チケット #14733

"disp" or "printf" macro function
登録: 2009-01-22 02:51 最終更新: 2010-08-31 13:57

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I'm extremely surprised that TeraTerm doesn't allow you to print basic messages to the console window. I use a different script based console where I print status/progress messages to the console all the time. I would love to be able to do that in TeraTerm, because using pop-up Message Boxes or echoing my message to the host is unacceptable.

TeraTerm has such excellent string manipulation functions, all it needs is a "disp" or "printf" style command to dump the string to the console for the user to see.

チケットの履歴 (19 件中 3 件表示)

2009-04-11 03:42 更新者: doda
  • コンポーネント(未割り当て) から Tera Term Macro に更新されました
2009-04-29 01:53 更新者: None

I also cannot believe Tera Term does not have this feature. In script applications such as this one I would think it would be very desireable to output status messages to the user such as "Polling" or "Transferring file" or "Waiting for response".

I would think this would be easy to implement, since Tera Term can print its own messages to the console. Just adding a command such as "print(string)" would be perfect.

2010-06-11 03:46 更新者: None

Any chance this can get added? It would be an excellent feature!! Why doesn't Tera Term already have this feature? It seems so basic that it should have been implemented 20 years ago!!

2010-06-11 10:20 更新者: (del#24082)

Current Tera Term has already implemented the printf-like macro command. These commands are sprintf and sprintf2. Please refer to below page for more information.

http://ttssh2.sourceforge.jp/manual/en/macro/command/sprintf.html http://ttssh2.sourceforge.jp/manual/en/macro/command/sprintf2.html

2010-06-11 23:02 更新者: None

But the "sprintf" and "sprintf2" commands do not print anything to the console window. That is the main issue. These are just string manipulation functions. Tera Term needs "printf" that will immediately output the string to the console for the user to see. Using a "messagebox" is not appropriate for outputting simple status messages like what "printf" would do.

2010-06-11 23:50 更新者: (del#1144)

Is this issue mean the OutputDebugString like command to output the debugger?

TeraTerm Macro will not have the "console window" for debug. Because it is not a Win32 console app, and it is not a MDI app.

2010-06-12 00:22 更新者: None

No no - not a Debug console window, just the main Tera Term window, where everything else is printed. I suppose I should be calling it the "Terminal" window. Perhaps an example will illustrate it best.

While a macro is running, I want to display status/progress messages and instructions to the user in the terminal window. Note that a "messagebox" is not appropriate because every message requires user acknowledgment. For example, my macro would be used to perform a firmware download via serial port to an embedded module. When the module is powered-up, the bootstrap monitors the serial port for a command. My macro would send this command, then initiate the download. Here is pseudo-code for the macro:

************* connect to serial port printf "Polling serial port, cycle power to embedded module." send poll message every 50 ms until embedded module responds printf "Connected!" printf "Initiating download of Loader Application." send Loader Application via XMODEM printf "Loader Application online." send Erase command to Loader Application printf "Flash erased, updating firmware." send Firmware File via XMODEM printf "Firmware loaded, disconnect module and attach next module." repeat macro *************

As you can see, these are simply status/progress messages for the user to monitor. No user interaction with the Tera Term window is required (like with "messagebox").

2010-06-12 00:26 更新者: None

Sorry, here is a formatted version of the pseudo-code that is easier to read:


connect to serial port

printf "Polling serial port, cycle power to embedded module."

send poll message every 50 ms until embedded module responds

printf "Connected!"

printf "Initiating download of Loader Application."

send Loader Application via XMODEM printf "Loader Application online."

send Erase command to Loader Application

printf "Flash erased, updating firmware."

send Firmware File via XMODEM

printf "Firmware loaded, disconnect module and attach next module."

repeat macro


2010-06-15 01:22 更新者: (del#1144)

I guess the relation of TeraTerm Macro and VT window isn't you think, like Perl and shell-prompt.

TeraTerm Macro is a programing language implementation, and TeraTerm is an application that can be controlled by macro language. Its relation likes vba and Excel.

2010-06-15 02:08 更新者: None

Are you saying it is impossible to add a "printf" macro function? I cannot believe it is impossible, because any ASCII text sent to a serial port from a macro gets printed in the terminal window right now. The VT window knows how to print text, just allow a macro to tell the VT window what text to print, without sending it on a serial port. I would think it would be very useful for a macro to print status messages to the terminal window rather than use a messagebox.

Look at one of the references I previously provided: http://logmett.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=846

In this thread someone suggests to create a "dummy" serial port. By sending messages to this port, they will print in the terminal window. This is a "workaround" but it would be much cleaner if a single straightforward "printf" macro function existed.

2010-06-15 12:55 更新者: None

I say just my feeling, the terminal emulator is an emulater of *console*.

Console displays 1) string from remote, 2) local echo of keyboard input when setting is on. You says 3) local echo of arbitrary string. Maybe some people feels it is unnatural, because it seems no relationship to terminal emulation.

But I think implement of this function is not impossible.

2010-08-12 14:58 更新者: (del#1144)
  • 解決法なし から 修正済み に更新されました
  • マイルストーン(未割り当て) から Tera Term 4.67 (完了済み) に更新されました

dispstr macro command will be implemented from next release.

2010-08-31 13:57 更新者: (del#1144)
  • 状況オープン から 完了 に更新されました
  • チケット完了時刻2010-08-31 13:57 に更新されました
2010-09-07 03:29 更新者: None

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2013-06-28 12:38 更新者: None

TeraTerm has such excellent string manipulation functions, all it needs is a "disp" or "printf" style command to dump the string to the console for the user to see.Cheap Rift Gold

2013-06-28 12:39 更新者: None
I would love to be able to do that in TeraTerm, because using pop-up Message Boxes or echoing my message to the host is unacceptable.

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