[Iiimf-skk-devel.en] How can I have a try on iiimf-skk?


Lau zenit****@i-cab*****
2003年 1月 20日 (月) 14:25:41 JST


Thanks very much, your information is so useful!!
But I still some more question, would you mind give me some more help?

On Sun, 19 Jan 2003 05:33:14 -0500
Motonobu Ichimura <famao****@users*****> wrote:

> Thank you for trying iiimf-skk. iiimf-skk can use GTK2 or GTK for the UI,
> but it's UI code is a little bit ugly. I am re-implementing it to make usuable
> for another language engine modules.

Anyway, it seems that, iiimf-skk is the only iiimf le, which is implement with GTK2!!

> >     However, most of the information about iiimf-skk is in Japanese, asking
> > my question in this ML would be my last choice!
> sorry for your inconvenience. we have little infomation in English.

That's fine, I have a little bit get used to collect the information, by the only 
chinese (kanji) in the Japanese docs ^^

> >     5. However, though, the step seems ok, at least the server is running,
> > but in gedit, whatever I type "cntl+space" or "select the input module in
> > gedit context menu" nothing happen.
> >
> >     What should I do?
> 1. iiimf-skk requires skkserver, check 
> http://packages.debian.org/unstable/utils/dbskkd-cdb.html

Oh!! I don't know what is skk server before, but as you told me in this email,
I try to find some information on this, and I got a site which has a lot of stuff
relating skk, i.e. "http://openlab.ring.gr.jp/skk/index.html".
Is it the official homepage.

I've also read a little bit info from some other site, it seems that,
all I need it the skk server, so dbskkd-cdb is one choice, right?

And should I also the dict for skk server.? In that web site, this is a lot of dict 
available, which one are requried, and which is optional. As I just want to 
make the iiimf-skk up and running, I don't need to really input any Japanese!!

> 2. try to check xaux objects are running. if succeed, we can see
> org.kondara.skk.PaletteAux
> org.kondara.skk.AddDictAux
> objects are running. 

Sorry, how can I check it?


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