
Multi Gnome Terminal

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(最終更新 2009-06-12 13:59)

Multi Gnome Terminal is an enhanced version of
gnome-terminal, with many powerful new features
and extensions. The most notable enhancement is
the ability to run multiple terminals within the
same window. Each terminal may be accessed by its
"tab", through keyboard shortcuts, or menu
selections. Inactive terminals provide an alert
when the buffer changes by changing the color of
the tab labels. Other enhancements include a
toolbar, a buttonbar, flexible command options to
launch new terminals, tabs, and shells from either
the GUI or command line, customizable key bindings
for MGT functions and other uses, font shadowing,
the ability to "split" terminals so that each
window can simultaneously multiple terminals, the
ability to "view" or "bond" terminals with other
terminals, and various other improvements.
