[MinGW-Users] Install mingw / gcc version 9.2.0

Keith Marshall keith****@users*****
Wed Jan 27 06:01:54 JST 2021

On 22/01/2021 16:13, Ken Goldman wrote:
> When I expand https://osdn.net/projects/mingw/releases/, it says 
> GCC-9.2.0.  However, when I run the MinGW Installation Manager, it
> says mingw32-gcc-bin 6.3.0-1. which I already have installed.

That looks like your mingw-get profile.xml still points to the catalogue
on SourceForge.net FRS.  What version of mingw-get is represented by
your "MinGW Installation Manager" installation.

> How would I get a more recent mingw / gcc?

In the following, "$MINGW_ROOT" represents the absolute root directory
path, (nominally C:/MinGW, unless you chose an alternative), for your
MinGW installation.

If you have a $MINGW_ROOT/var/lib/mingw-get/data/profile.xml file, edit
it to ensure that the FRS source is mapped as:

  <repository uri="https://osdn.net/dl/mingw/%F.xml.lzma">

then update your local catalogue, (and then upgrade mingw-get).

If you don't have any such profile.xml file, either edit defaults.xml,
(in the same directory), and make the change there instead, or just
overwrite your existing mingw-get installation from:



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