
Jar Class Finder

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(最終更新 2012-09-17 19:42)

Whether a class file or jar file existing in your computer, this guy can help to find out~

Jar Class Finder is a search tool that provider the search function for you to finding out a specified jar file/class file in your disk.

1, easy to use
2, write by java
3, support the regular expression searching
4, multiple search way
4-1, you can search by the jar name
4-2, you can search by the class name
4-3, you can search by the package.class name
5, support the exactly searching and fuzzy search
6, real-time display the search result, and click on the one result item, you can directly visit it in explorer.
7, you can suspend, resume and stop your searching at any time.
8, display the current searching directory
