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onig4j: レポジトリ概要

最近のコミット RSS

Rev. 日時 作者 メッセージ
r170 2008-06-07 21:47:30 calico Tagging the v003 release of the 'Oniguruma for Java' proj...
r169 2008-06-07 21:24:46 calico ライセンスをBSDとGPLv2のデュアルライセンスに変更。
r168 2008-06-07 21:24:00 calico Unitテスト用ライブラリにICU4Jを追加。 バージョンを003にUP。
r167 2008-05-27 20:38:55 calico 内部クラス「Normalizer」を追加し、メンバ変数NFC、NFD、nor...
r166 2008-05-27 20:36:28 calico StringBuilderのインスタンス生成時に初期容量を指定するよう...
r165 2008-05-26 22:59:01 calico normalize()を追加。
r164 2008-05-26 22:57:59 calico CANON_EQモード対応に伴いcanonicalEqual()のテストコードを...
r163 2008-05-26 22:52:48 calico メンバ変数CANON_EQの@deprecatedタグを削除。 メンバ変数isC...
r162 2008-05-26 22:50:10 calico Pattern.CANON_EQに対応するためのコードを追加。 ・メンバ変...
r161 2008-05-26 22:46:13 calico validateGroup()を追加してgroupの範囲チェック処理を一元化...


名前 Rev. 日時 作者
v003 r170 2008-06-07 21:47:30 calico
v002 r158 2008-05-25 22:21:44 calico
v001 r57 2008-04-27 17:06:13 calico


Oniguruma for Java

1. What is 'Oniguruma for Java'?

Oniguruma for Java is a regular expression library for JVM without Just In-Time 
compilers such as Mysaifu JVM and JamVM.

2. License

Dual licence on BSD license (3-clause BSD license) and GPLv2.

3. Requirements

You will need a thread-safe Oniguruma installation, version 5.9.1 or later.
Oniguruma is available from http://www.geocities.jp/kosako3/oniguruma/ .
Get it, make and install it, and you are ready to try.

In order to make thread-safe by using the source code of 
http://svn.sourceforge.jp/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/trunk/onig-threadsafe/?root=onig4j .

The thread-safe Oniguruma for Windows (x86) and Windows CE (ARMV4) is available 
from http://sourceforge.jp/projects/onig4j/files/?release_id=30599#30599 .

The extended OnigSyntaxJava version's Oniguruma for Windows (x86) and 
Windows CE (ARMV4) is available from 
http://sourceforge.jp/projects/onig4j/files/?release_id=31253#31253 .

4. Installation

Add unzipped JNI library (onig4j.dll or libonig4j.so) file to the java.library.path.

* When using it with Mysaifu JVM
  Copy the unzipped onig4j.dll and onig.dll onto the same directory as jvm.exe.
  For instance, copy it onto '\Program Files\Mysaifu JVM\jre\bin' when you install
  Mysaifu JVM in the device.

5. How to Use 'Oniguruma for Java'

Add unzipped onig4j.jar file to the CLASSPATH.

6. Sample Code

Look in the unzipped examples folder and look at Sample Programs of 
http://www.geocities.jp/kosako3/oniguruma/ .