

生体分子のツールキットは、生体高分子の構造モデリングのためのオープン ソース ライブラリです。ツールキットは分子モデリング、設計、解析ツールの開発を容易に計算の構造生物学で一般的なタスクのための C++ のインターフェイスを提供します。


注: プロジェクトリソースの情報は Freecode.com ページからの引用です。ダウンロードそのものは、OSDNにホスティングされているものではありません。

2007-07-16 13:01

タグ: btk_core, Minor bugfixes
This is a maintenance release of the BTK Core
library, containing documentation updates,
bugfixes, and minor feature additions. Interfaces
are intended to be backwards-compatible with the
0.8 release, though in some cases, re-compilation
will be required.

2006-11-16 08:55

このリリースでは、リライトと生体分子Toolkitのコアの安定的なクラスの再編完了を表します。クラス、分子、高分子材料の原子を表すには、含まれ、多分子システムでは、一緒にPDBのと、I / Oを、数学的なルーチンは、その分子モデリングに便利なアルゴリズムをフォーマット。
タグ: btk_core, Initial freshmeat announcement
This release represents a complete rewrite and
reorganization of the core stable classes of the
Biomolecule Toolkit. Included are classes for
representing atoms, molecules, polymers, and
multi-molecule systems, along with PDB-formatted
I/O, mathematical routines, and algorithms that
are useful for molecular modelling.

2002-11-28 04:17

タグ: btk_core, Major feature enhancements
This is an updated developer's release of the Biomolecule Toolkit (BTK). Significant changes include addition of optimal superposition and fast rmsd functions, addition of protein N-terminal and C-terminal groups, conversion of the general-purpose atom-based algorithms to template code for use with different iterator types, fixes for building protein backbone amide protons and protein backbone carbonyl oxygen atoms, significant changes to atom storage/lookup system for increased generality, and migration of the underlying linear algebra code to the Boost::uBLAS library.

2002-10-16 08:09

タグ: btk_core, Minor feature enhancements
This is a developer's release of the BTK. Significant changes include the addition of static-body translation, rotation, center-of-mass and principal-axis calculations, the creation of a constructable static-body Molecule class and extensive cleanup of molecule building/folding code. Also, the PredicateIterator class has been introduced for use in selective molecule iteration. Finally, there have been numerous code cleanups and bugfixes.

2002-06-24 05:07

タグ: btk_core, Code cleanup
This is an updated developer's release of the Biomolecule Toolkit. Changes in this version include a rewrite of the pdb reader interface, extensive renaming of classes and methods, movement of atomic coordinate representation to the base Molecule class, and a number of bugfixes and general code cleanups.
